

Biochar Articles

Dive into our collection of articles on biochar to enrich your gardening knowledge. These articles offer a wealth of information, from the basics of biochar to advanced usage techniques. Equip yourself with these insights and transform your gardening experience with the power of biochar.

Uses of Biochar

The world is beginning to recognize the versatile applications of biochar. To provide context, consider the period before the widespread use of combustion engines. In 1900, London had ...
The Ash tree devastated by Ash dieback

The Ash Tree Devastated by Ash Dieback

The Ash tree is the third most common tree in Britain after Oak and Birch.  However, it is currently being devastated by a disease commonly known as Ash dieback.

What is Biochar?

Biochar is characterized by its stable carbon composition, which makes it a ideal tool in addressing challenges such as soil degradation and carbon sequestration. Biochar’s stability ...
Exploring Biochar: History, Characteristics, and Uses

Exploring Biochar: History, Characteristics and Uses

Biochar is a natural material that can be created in several ways. It is formed naturally when the feedstock materials are burnt or heated, the temperatures involved are much lower and the molecules form ...
Common Mistakes When Using Biochar

Some Basic Tips For Using Biochar

Biochar is a powerful tool for improving soil health and productivity. However, like any tool, it must be used correctly to enjoy its full benefits. Here are some simple tips ...
Effective Biochar Usage for Soil Enhancement

Effective Biochar Usage for Soil Enhancement

Think of biochar as a soil superhero. It’s a type of charcoal that comes from plant matter and gets mixed into the soil. But unlike the charcoal you use for ...